Understanding the Importance of Donation

Every major religion familiarises its followers with the law of donating 10% of one’s earnings. Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj calls this spiritual income tax. You are required to pay tax on the money you earn in the world, and failure to do so results in punishment. Sometimes you get away with not paying this obligatory tax. But God, who cannot be fooled or deceived, says in the Shrimad Bhagawatam, “He, who keeps more than his share, is a thief and will be punished.” The 10% is merely an essential minimum that has to be given in return for the killing of plants you eat, the germs and insects you kill to keep your body healthy, and other essential items that God gifts you. Ignorance of the law is no excuse! If you don't give voluntarily, then your possessions get taken form you by force - loss of wealth, one way or another - and that is a grace of God too! For it will make you remember Him!
However, if you want to progress beyond the fear of punishment, and benefit spiritually, the Vedas say, “Give with faith.” You say you have none. The Vedas say, “Give anyway. Give without faith.” “Give out of fear. Give out of shame. No matter how you give, just give.”
Understand also that the person you give to, should be a worthy recipient. By God's law, you shall receive based on the status of the recipient. Not status in the world, but rather the sattvic, rajas, tamsic or divine nature of the recipient. If you feed a beggar, and he goes and commits a crime as a result of the strength from the food, then your role in the crime shall be taken into account by God. A tamsic (eg. rakshas nature) recipient shall result in tamsic rewards. A rajas (eg. us humans) recipient shall result in rajas benefit. A sattvic (eg. celestial beings of the heavens - devtas) recipient shall result in sattvic rewards. You want spiritual benefit? Give to a Divine personality.
The worthiest and noblest of all recipients is a divine personality, a Saint, a true Guru. When you donate to Him, you take giant steps towards getting closer to God. He has nothing to give you but love for God. Thus, you the giver, are not really the donor, but the recipient.
Think about it! A Saint is so merciful that He offers spiritual benefit for worldly possessions. Imagine - this is the easiest way to receive spiritual benefit. After all, nothing belongs to us everything belongs to God. We entered the world naked, and will leave even our body behind!
King Harishchandra received God-Realisation because he donated his all and more to his Guru.
Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj
Excerpted from His Discourse "Daan Gyan" (Understanding the Importance of Donation)
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