Man or God ? (My Understanding of Ramayan)
The world today is full of Godmen. While a few are genuine and truly guide their followers through the minefield of SamsAra without any expectation of quid pro quo, there are many others, who are but pseudo-gurus, adopting Spirituality as an occupation, like any other commercial activity. They profess to teach you anything from mere deep breathing exercises to how to realise God. While the Upanishads prescribe a mere 32 path for God-realisation, it would appear from the statements of these Godmen, that the paths to Liberation could be tailored to suit individual tastes, predilections and fancies. While rigorous discipline is prescribed by the Scripture for climbing even the very first step on the lofty mountain of Moksha (liberation), these mystics tell us that it is just a lap ahead, reassuring us that we need give up none of our creature comforts for achieving this exalted goal. They have too new-fangled notions of Liberation, Vis a Vis those prescribed by the Scripture. Now remember...